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Monday, March 23, 2015

Bicycle Tourism

Photo of bicycle tourists by bikersbrew

I first came across this concept while reading a blog I was following a while back. This blog featured a couple, who among other things, used Brompton bicycles in some of their bicycle touring adventures. It seemed amazing! They packed most of the things with them and on their bikes, and just pedalled from destination to destination. They did all this on folding bikes to boot! Coolness!

Have I done it? Why yes I have. Not in the way the couple did in the blog but by joining single day bike tours in places where my wife and I have visited. I'm too attached to soft beds and warm showers to go more hardcore, haha. I also prefer the easy but scenic routes over whole day cycling and the like. I do admire the folks who do self-sustained bike tours though, sleeping under the stars or checking in B&B's, going town to town on their bikes, doing whole day rides. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.

Whichever way you decide is for you, I am sure that you guys will have the time of your lives. Bike touring makes you more connected to the place you are visiting. Things don't just whizz by like when you are on cars, buses or trains. You can stop any time you want, have a brew and people watch, things you can't do if you are in buses or trains.

My wife and I are no hardcore riders by any stretch of the imagination, but we both really enjoyed ourselves while on these bike tours. These bike tours just made the trip more memorable for the both of us. I hope you guys try it, believe me, you will be smiling after.

What makes the experience even better is that you support the areas you cycle in. You spend money on the taking the tour itself, coffee, food and what have you in the shops along the way and this helps support the local communities. It's really win win all around.

Now back to the blog I was talking about. I'm sharing the link to their site as they just beautifully sum up what bicycle tourism is all about.

Keep pedalling!

Image by zirconicusso from


  1. Aahh, the places you can go to on a bike! Nice article, takes me back to some of our most memorable trips!

    1. You get to see more and experience more! We should do this again!

  2. This looks like so much fun! I just don't think I'll last long on the road if I'm not inside an airconditioned vehicle. LOL! Oh, and I'd need to actually get a bike first. Hehe!

    1. Haha! Of course you can do it! You'll be having too much fun to even think about the heat (most of the times at least). Kaya mo yan!

  3. Makes travelling more fun! Sight seeing is good for the eyes, pedalling is healthy for the body! :)

    1. Totally agree! Travelling on a bike is really fun! Hope you get to try it soon!

  4. Traveling by bike is something every cities must implement - or at least offer. It saves gas, money, and lessens the air pollution! You get to exercise too while your biking.

    April and the City

    1. That's my dream for the Philippines and it urban planning future. Hope it comes to fruition sooner than later.

  5. I wish I could do this but its a definite no no. I can't ride a bike so this will have to remain a dream. I wonder though if this is possible to do in the Philippines. Travel from Luzon to Mindanao on bike?

    1. Kathy, it's not too late to learn to ride :) It doesn't have to be a bike tour right away, baby steps muna. Trust me when I say you will really enjoy cycling (and the bumps and scrapes that come with it). Hope you decide to learn!
